Welcome to GrowingCircles:
To meet the mission of the Garden Tower© Project, we have envisioned a grass-roots program which can effectively identify, attract, and connect energetic community leaders with key outreach target groups and supporters.This program will place Garden Towers© into the hands of those that can most effectively use them as a tool for education, as well as for food production in communities where the Garden Tower© Project can make a difference. GrowingCircles will turn personal initiative into food-growing action; it can be geographically boundless and scalable.
Active Projects & Partners:
expanding as we grow
- The Hilltop Garden and Nature Center: Youth Gardening Program (Bloomington, Indiana)
- The Middle Way House Shelter: Roof Garden Production & Produce Donations (Bloomington, Indiana)
- The American Seed Alliance: Fundraising & Education (Schoolcraft, Michigan)
- Harmony School: Ecological Lab (Bloomington, IN)
- (Up to 25 new program nominations through our 2013 Kickstarter Campaign -- more information coming soon)
GrowingCircles.org will soon become a space for networking and collaboration accessible to anyone with an interest in the Garden Tower© Project’s mission. The Project’s core values revolve around the expansion of food self-sufficiency efforts, in particular the home-grown, organic, non-GMO, low-input, ecologically sustainable cultivation of vegetables and herbs in conditions otherwise not conducive to raising food.Rainbow Chard in a Garden Tower© GrowingCircles will become an online community where supporters become leaders, ideas are transformed into projects, and community circles are involved, educated, and transformed.
The Garden Tower© Project will produce literature, videos, and hand-on activities to make GrowingCircles projects relevant to a variety of communities. We envision GrowingCircles projects forming in schools, community gardens, youth organizations, senior living centers, correctional facilities, non-profits, aid organizations, the armed forces, and more. It is our intention that GrowingCircles will become a lead program of the future Garden Tower© Foundation.