Pansy Swiss Giants Blend

This Swiss heirloom is the parent to most of the pansies we see today. Early spring blossoms make a wonderful accent to your spring bulbs. Low, bushy plants are quick to grow and bloom, producing showy, large, velvety flowers. Use the edible petals to garnish soft cheese or baked goods. Reliable perennial in USDA zones 6-10, often grown as an annual. A 1933 All-America Selections winner.

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Variety Info

Family: Violaceae

Native: Only in cultivation

Hardiness: Frost-tolerant perennial in USDA zones 6–10; often grown as an annual. Reseeds readily.

Exposure: Full sun to part shade

Bloom Period: Heaviest in cool weather

Plant Dimensions: 6"–9" tall

Variety Info: 2"-2½" flowers in a wide range of colors including blue, purple, yellow, apricot, orange, mahogany, red, white, and bi-colors. Most have "faces" or are blotched.

Attributes: Deer Resistant, Edible Flower, Frost Tolerant

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Regular price $2.99
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