Cilantro/Coriander Santo Org

Also called Chinese parsley, cilantro has a thousand uses in the kitchen. 'Long Standing Santo' in particular has excellent flavor, improved leafiness and, as the name infers, it is slow to bolt. Add a sprig to chicken soup or add chopped leaves to Mexican, Caribbean, or Asian dishes. The crushed seeds add intriguing flavor to stews, beans, and cookies. Can be grown indoors for fresh cilantro leaves year-round. Cilantro grows best in cool temperatures.

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Variety Info

Family: Apiaceae

Native: Mediterranean region

Hardiness: Annual

Exposure: Full sun to part shade

Plant Dimensions: 12"–24" tall, 6"–12" wide

Variety Info: Long Standing Santo' has excellent flavor, improved leafiness and when hot weather arrives, is slower to bolt (prematurely go to seed) than other varieties.

Attributes: Good for Containers, Attracts Beneficial Insects

Sowing Info
Growing Info
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Regular price $2.99
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