Lettuce Butterhead Buttrcrnch Org

Buttercrunch' is a vigorous grower with a creamy yellow interior, buttery flavor and melt-in-your-mouth texture, pleasing palates since 1963. Small heads are perfect for a single-serve salad. The compact size makes it a good container variety, and it's also attractive in the flower-garden border. All-America Selections Winner.

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Variety Info

Days to Maturity: 21–65 days

Family: Asteraceae

Type: Butterhead Lettuce

Native: Unknown; lettuce has been in cultivation for a long time.

Hardiness: Frost-tolerant annual

Exposure: Full sun to part shade

Plant Dimensions: 5"–6" wide, 3"–5" tall

Variety Info: Large, soft, slightly crumpled light green leaves in a loose head with a creamy yellow core. 'Buttercrunch' is a butterhead type lettuce bred at Cornell University.

Attributes: Frost Tolerant

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Regular price $2.99
Or $20/mo with Klarna