Carrot Scarlet Nantes

Scarlet Nantes' is an 1850s' French favorite for many reasons—sweet flavor, tender, abundant producer, and consistent quality. Nearly coreless! There is no finer garden treat than a homegrown carrot pulled fresh from the earth!

Regular price $2.69

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We have 38 in stock.
Variety Info

Days to Maturity: 75 days

Family: Apiaceae

Type: Nantes Type

Native: Africa, Eurasia

Hardiness: Frost-tolerant biennial grown as an annual

Exposure: Full sun

Plant Dimensions: Roots are 6"–7" long at their peak

Variety Info: Deep orange, sweet, crisp, cylindrical root; nearly coreless. 'Scarlet Nantes' is a Nantes type carrot.

Attributes: Frost Tolerant

Sowing Info
Growing Info
Regular price $2.69
Or $20/mo with Klarna